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My Story

Hey there, I’m Eleanor, or perhaps you know me as @Rockclimbergirl! 

I’m a photographer who walked into an indoor climbing wall in Australia 7 years ago, and immediately fell head-over-heels in love with climbing. My desire to climb was insatiable, I simply couldn’t get enough. I came back to my home island of Jersey, Channel Islands (UK) where I started getting out every day, building up my experience in trad climbing, and quickly working my way up the grades.

Unfortunately, about 7 months into my love affair with climbing, I had a really terrible fall, and broke my arm so badly that I was later told I nearly had to have it amputated. One surgery, two plates, 13 screws, and 6 months of healing later, I finally got back on the rocks. But something was different now. I was now terrified of climbing. I was frustrated. How could something that gave me so much joy now completely scare me?

Since then, I’ve been learning to build my confidence back up, day by day. Learning how to build my trust, rationalise my fear, knowing that I am safe, and watching my confidence grow. Most importantly, I’ve been learning to not stress over how hard I’m climbing, it doesn’t matter that I’m not ticking big grades as I have done pre-accident, climbing should always be about having fun.

I especially like to share this ethos in climbing now. It doesn’t matter how easy or hard you climb, climbing is for everyone. No matter how good you are at anything, it’s all about enjoying the ride!

Over the last few years I’ve shared my journey, thoughts and struggles on Instagram, with the goal of opening up tough conversations around climbing, mental health and other important issues. As well as other fun outdoor adventures, whether that’s climbing, hiking, travel, surfing, paddleboarding, or adventures in my van - anything to share the stoke of being outside.

Looking forward to bringing you along for the fun!


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